The XY Chromosome Project
May 10th – May 31st, 2018Click here for full exhibition.

Statement Court Tree Gallery proudly presents The XY Chromosome Project. The recent collages of filmmakers Mark Street and Lynne Sachs. Street and Sachs have been making films individually and collaboratively for over 30 years, which is also the length of their relationship as a couple.
Press Release
The XY Chromosome Project follows the career paths of Lynne Sachs and Mark Street. To follow this path is to trace a blueprint on devotion. Working both together and individually for the past 30 years, each artist has carved out their own niche without the obvious influences of being married. They part ways to be left alone to their own creations. It is the respect for the other's work that bonds them. Left alone, their work could not be more different. Lynne's work is cerebral and emotional. As seen in her full length films “Your Day is My Night” and “Tip of My Tongue”. She collages the art of storytelling by layering stunning visuals while swimming between reality and performance. Her films are remarkable. Mark is the experimental film hero, a pioneer in film manipulation, an encyclopedia in the world of experimental films. His film work is solely connected to what is possible in the organics of film manipulation. They celebrate experimentation in its truest form. Yet both come down on the same line when it matters most. The line of captivation which as any artist knows is the hardest to achieve.
In 2010, they created The XY Chromosome Project an umbrella for their collaborative ventures. Together they have produced an array of collaborative installations, performances, and two-dimensional art works. In addition to exhibiting their collages on the walls of the Court Tree Gallery, they will present movies, poetry and essays by themselves and other artists and writers throughout the month of May.
In 2017, Lynne embraced her life-long love of collage during an artist residency at Beta Local, an art center in San Juan, Puerto Rico dedicated to supporting and promoting aesthetic thought and practice. While there, Lynne worked with San Juan artists who shared images torn from magazines or newspapers, found in a drawer, a family album or in the trash -- personal, commercial and ephemeral objects. Lynne then proceeded to “collaborate” with these artists by integrating both the treasures and the trash from their lives into her collages.
“Morning Addition” is a series of collages Mark has been working on since 2015. He uses images from newspapers, old books, Farmers’ Almanacs, paper shooting targets and original photographs to create strange and uncanny combinations. What arrives on the doorstep and found on the street mixes together to distill quotidian ephemera down to an unanticipated broth.
For available works from this exhibiton please email.